Unit 3 - nucleus and RNA -

You are welcome to Unit 3 of the Molecular Genetics Course - 1st term 2017-18.

Unit organization

The unit is divided into 5 sections:

Each section is comprised of few video recorded lectures, corresponding to text and figures found in the pages linked to each section, and also some optional recommended reading/seeing/listening links or refs that will be pointed out where appropriate. On the same platform hosting the video lectures and on some of the linked pages exercises and quizzes for self assessment are provided, that should be used to confirm the learning outcomes have been reached.

Students are expected to watch to the recorded lectures or/and read the text version (whichever is more convenient) and explore the links that are provided. Some of the linked pages may also contain exercises that must be solved in order to successfully participate to the group acivities.

List of the Learning Outcomes -
as part of individual (I) or group activity (G) as indicated

By completing this unit you will be able to: